Holiday Expo at Dena’ina
Nov. 23-24, 2024
Saturday: 10-6
Sunday: 11-5
Important Vendor Information
Bookmark this page or save the link ( We will keep it updated with important information as we approach the date for the Holiday Expo.
After 5:30 on Friday, and all day on Saturday and Sunday, the large State-owned open parking lot on the SE corner of 8th Avenue and E Street, and the smaller State-owned parking lot on the NW corner of 8th & E are available for free vendor and visitor parking. Look for the signs identifying the lots as permitted parking for the Atwood building. NOTE THAT OVERNIGHT PARKING IS NOT ALLOWED IN THESE STATE-OWNED LOTS!
All street parking on Friday after 6:00 pm, and all day Saturday and Sunday is free, however you need to be aware that there is still a two-hour time limit for curbside parking between 7th and 8th Avenue near the Dena’ina Center. The parking authority will ticket you if parked in these areas more than two hours. Street parking on E, F, G, & H Streets between 8th Avenue and 9th Avenue is free for up to ten hours. Make sure you check notices on the parking meters for time limitations to avoid being ticketed.
Radio ads are airing on several stations including KBEAR 104.1, KOOL 97.3, MIX 103.1, Classic Country 100.9, and Sports Radio 590.
Click to listen —-> Radio Ad
Like prior years at the Holiday Expo, we will be drawing ticket numbers to give away vendor-donated door prizes every hour throughout the weekend. Visitors love the chance to go home with a nice door prize, plus it gives them incentive to remain a little longer at the Expo, spending more time at your booth(!) as they wait until the top of the hour for the next prize drawing.
There is no obligation for you to donate anything, so don’t feel the pressure! However, this is your chance to be as generous as you wish. Prizes can be large or small: Tee shirts, ball caps, gift certificates, candy, food, artwork, Christmas decorations, a new snow machine …or whatever! When the drawings are held, our announcer will try to put in a blurb about your company and the items you are offering at the Expo. Whether your donation is one of your products, or something else, one of our visitors is guaranteed go home happy with your donated prize!
You will find a donation form in your check-in packet. Donated items can be dropped off during the Expo at our office, located inside, near the entrance into the exhibit hall.
If you need to stay overnight near downtown Anchorage during the Expo, the Marriott Anchorage Downtown has offered Holiday Expo vendors an exclusive group room rate of $169 per night. This special rate is good from November 21st until November 28th, 2024.
Follow this link to book online:
Vendor setup for the Expo will begin at 3:00 on Friday, November 22nd, and you will have until 8:00 pm to work on setting up your booth. The Dena’ina will reopen again for setup at 7:00 am on Saturday. You must have your booth space configured and ready for business by no later than 9:30 on Saturday. Doors open to the public at 10:00 am.
On Friday after 3:00 you will be able to drive your vehicle into the Dena’ina Center through the large 8th Avenue overhead door and drive along the back wall towards the F Street exit door. Park your vehicle just long enough to unload, then drive it out of the Dena’ina Center onto F Street. Handcarts will be available to help move items from your vehicle to your booth, and we will have staff available as well to help you move items. Please do not remain inside the Dena’ina with your vehicle any longer than necessary, as there will be a lot of vendors waiting behind you to do the same thing. You will not be able to drive your vehicle indoors for unloading on Saturday morning.
As requested by the Dena’ina Center, please DO NOT use the front (7th Avenue) Dena’ina entrance doors to load items to or from your booth.
At some point during your booth setup, please stop by the MATSU Events management office, located just inside the display hall near the main lobby entrance door. Let us know that you have arrived, and pick up your vendor packet, lanyards, and nametags. If you have an item that you wish to donate for the hourly door prize drawings, there is a donation form included in your vendor packet. Drop off the form and your donation with staff in our management office.
If your booth setup includes a covered area (i.e. a pop-up canopy), it MUST have a manufacturer’s label indicating that the material of the covering is constructed of fireproof material.
Your entire booth display must fit within the confines of your 10’ x 10’ space. Items may not extend into the pathway.
If you are hanging signs or banners in your booth, please obtain hooks from the decorators or from our staff. Do not use tape, staples, pins, or other items that could damage the booth fabric.
If you are displaying a motorized vehicle, please check with us for details concerning gasoline, propane and batteries.
The Anchorage Fire Marshal will be doing a walk-through before the show opens on Saturday morning to confirm that everyone is in compliance with fire safety regulations.
Please contact our office in advance if you have questions.
Alaska Event Services, Inc. has been selected as the show service contractor for the 2024 Holiday Expo at Dena’ina, to be held November 23-24, at the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center.
Show management has provided you with a 10′ x 10′ pipe and drape booth display. The exhibit space is not carpeted and chairs are provided by the convention center at no additional charge.
PLEASE NOTE: 500 Watt electrical service is only available in “electrical rows” and is ordered as part of your contracted space.
FOOD VENDORS: Please contact us regarding additional electrical service prior to November 15th.
If you require additional services such as, tables, etc., please place your order via
Please take this time to read through the information, make your selections, and submit your order to the office of Alaska Event Services for processing. (These electronic forms are required only if you need services that are not automatically included with your space.) A PDF copy of these forms is also attached to this email. If you have any questions, please call our Exhibit Service Representatives at (907) 345-8789, or email at
The Alaska Junior High and High School Rodeo Association is providing Coat Check and Gift Wrapping services at the Expo. These kids are set up in the lobby, and they are working for TIPS to help support their organization. Please encourage your customers to support this worthwhile fundraiser by checking their coats and having their purchases wrapped!
If you still have an outstanding balance on your booth space rental, this is just a reminder that full payment is now due. Payments may be made online at
Call anytime if you have questions or comments. 907-947-9900 or