Consider the benefits of being a vendor at the Holiday Expo at Dena’ina. Folks come to the Expo to get a head start on holiday shopping and to find unique quality gifts. These visitors are real people. Thousands of them. Face-to-face and in person. They are right there in front of you, and they’re ready to buy. Chances are that you have what they are looking for!

Register now to reserve your vendor booth! 

This is YOUR expo, of course, and we work for you. Our job is to make it all happen, and we go the extra mile encouraging holiday shoppers throughout Southcentral Alaska to visit the Expo. With tons of advertising, and an active social media campaign, you can expect to have literally thousands of potential customers walking past your booth. In our competitive world, this is simply the best bang-for-the-buck targeted exposure that you can get. NOW is the time to register for your space at the Expo.

Register now to be a vendor at the 2024 Holiday Expo!

Step 1.  Fill out, sign, and return the 2024 Registration/Contract Form. Check the Floor Diagram & Vendor List for booth availability and let us know if you have a preferred booth location. Booth selection is first come/first serve. The map is updated as new vendors register. 

Print the Registration Form and return to MATSU Events by email, fax, or US Mail. If you fill out the form online, be sure to save your changes before printing or emailing.

Step 2. Select your payment method: You can mail a check to MATSU Events, P.O. Box 277, Willow Alaska 99688, or click the secure Pay on Account button to pay a deposit or any remaining account balance. (Total due by November 1, 2024).


What is the Holiday Expo at Dena’ina?

The Holiday Expo at Dena’ina is a holiday gift marketplace featuring a wide variety of arts, crafts, and other retail vendors.  This is the perfect opportunity for vendors to offer their products to Alaskans anxious to get a head start on their holiday shopping.

When and Where is this Expo?

Mark your calendars for the weekend before Thanksgiving! This Expo will be held at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center at 600 W. 7th Avenue in Anchorage from 10am to 6pm on Saturday, November 23rd and 11am to 5pm on Sunday, November 24th, 2024.

What is the Fee for Vendor Space Rental?

10’ x 10’ booth rentals are $550. Larger bulk space is available – contact us for details.

Can I Select My Booth Space?

All spaces are available on a first come/first serve basis.

We reserve the right to move vendors if there are conflicts of interest with nearby competing businesses, or if it becomes necessary to alter the booth layout for any reason.

The Floor Diagram vendor map posted online is kept up to date as new vendors register.

Are the Spaces Furnished?

Spaces include pipes and drapes, with an 8’ back drape wall and 3’ drape rails separating booths. Many vendors typically provide their own booth furnishings. Chairs are provided by the Dena’ina Center. Additional booth items such as tables or carpeting may be rented from the show decorators (follow the link in the “Extra Items” section below).

What About Electricity?

500 watt electrical hookups will only be available in select rows, at an additional cost of $20. Please let us know on your registration form if you need electrical access.


Vendors requiring more than 500 watts of electricity must make arrangements with the event decorating contractor. Please contact our office for details.

Can I Share My Space with Another Vendor?

The individual booths are rented to a single company, however some small businesses may wish to share their space with another small business. Booth sharing arrangements must be approved in advance by MATSU Events management.

Can I Sell Food?

All vendors selling edible items must be incompliance with the Anchorage Health Department regulations pertaining to the sale of food.


For vendors selling food for for consumption at the Holiday Expo, there is a $250 additional charge imposed by the Dena’ina Center.

What if I Decide to Cancel My Space Before the Expo?

Booth rentals may be cancelled, and booth fees will be refunded less a $50 cancellation fee at any time up until November 8th (two weeks prior to the Expo). There will be no cancellation refunds after November 8th unless necessitated by illness or family emergency.

What Happens if the Expo is Cancelled?

If the Expo is unexpectedly cancelled due any reason beyond our control, all rental fees will be promptly returned.

What is the Visitor Admission Fee?

Adult visitor admission is $5. Children under 12 are free.

Do I Need A Business License?

Yes. All vendors are required to have an Alaska State business license.

Will There be Security?

There will be security staff available during all Event hours. The Dena’ina Center is locked and secured after the Expo closes for the day.

Fire and Safety

As a vendor, you must maintain a safe environment in and around your booth. There can be no overhead covering above your booth, i.e., a popup canopy roof, that would obstruct the building’s overhead fire suppression sprinklers. Keep in mind that no display materials or signage may obstruct or block other vendor booths, pedestrian isles, exit doors, or exit signage.

Can We Hold Raffles or Drawings?

Of course! You are welcomed and encouraged to have drawings or give away items at the show.  Raffles (where you sell tickets for a chance to win) fall under State gaming regulations and are allowed providing you have the appropriate Alaska State gaming permit.

Will There be Expo Promotion and Advertising?

Our job as promoters is to bring in the largest crowd possible to safely visit your booth to buy your products or services.  We will be running radio and television advertisements as well as targeted social media promotions throughout Southcentral Alaska in the weeks leading up to the Expo.

Can I be a Corporate Sponsor for the Holiday Expo at Dena’ina?

Corporate sponsorships are win/win. Your financial support helps us defray Expo promotion expenses, and we are able to help you by including your logo on our website, in our marketing materials and media advertising, and by running partner promotions on social media. Contact us for details if you are interested in sponsoring or partnering with this Expo!

I Have More Questions!

We will keep this page updated as the details come together.  In the meantime, if you have more questions, please feel free to contact MATSU Events anytime at 907-947-9900 or via email at!

Extra Items

Do you need extra items such as tables, carpeting, racks and stands, plants, or other items to furnish your booth?

Well don’t worry, because we have you covered! Alaska Event Services, Inc. has been selected as our Expo decorator and service contractor.

If you require additional services such as electrical service, tables, etc., please place your order via

If you have any questions, please contact Alaska Event Services Representatives at (907) 345-8789, or email at

Looking for the perfect wallpaper for you cell phone? Just download this image.

The Holiday Expo at Dena’ina is made possible with the generous support of these outstanding sponsors!


P.O. Box 277

Willow, AK 99688


Fax: 877-885-8028